0% APR FOR 72 MONTHS NOW THROUGH DECEMBER 31 COMFORT SPECIALIST TRAME It's Hard To Stop A Trane HIGHLY TRAINED EXPERTS IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WE STAND BEHIND EVERY TRANE. WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED COMING AND GOING. Dependable. Snone Stubbonly loya However you want to desoibe usour mission your independent Trane Comtort Specia st dealer is simple Deliver relable yearound omfort you and your aly can countoAnd beause we'estandup guys yo our atention and suppor before, during andafler every service or insallton job.For a positive customer experiene that's as unstoppable as & Trane syslemcall us amytime EN CONTRACTORS. INC HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Since 1953 720 Davis Ave., Whiteville (910) 642-8174 18.431,592,0.po12a mod Te APR A